November Winning Photograph

November Winning Photograph

Eagle 27 July 2008

Eagle 27 by Mike Nielsen

5 Responses to “November Winning Photograph”

  1. Pam Wright Says:

    What wonderful photos you are receiving over the months Mr Dyke.
    We sure do have some unsung talent.. it would be such a shame for these photos to be lost, we have calenders for alsorts of things, hows about one showing off all this wonderful talent

    • Andrew Dyke Says:

      Hello Ms Wright and thank you for looking in.
      We are looking into the possibility of a calendar and thank you for the suggestion.

  2. A.Banbury Says:

    what sort of eagle is this and where in Wychavon was it taken

    Beautiful technically.


    • Andrew Dyke Says:

      Hello and thank you for visiting my blog.
      Having spoken to the photographer, I can confirm that the photograph was taken in Wychavon at the Evesham Steam Fair in 2006 or 2007. As to the species of bird, I am afraid I am unable to provide a positive answer. I agree that the photograph is spectacular and rightly deserves to be the November winner.

  3. Danial Adams Says:

    Just wanted to say that by chance I came across a website by this person with this photo on it, this photographer has some great photos on it, including a fab night shot of the Tree of Life.
    I have just started taking photos, I just hope that one day I will be able to come up with shoots like this and other ones that have been on your site.

    The website is

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